FTI Jayabaya Sent 18 Student to Join Summer Program 2019 to Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Malaysia

FTI Jayabaya Sent 18 Student to Join Summer Program 2019 to Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Malaysia

Seputar Kampus , Pendidikan dan Suasana Akademik , Liputan/Berita 25 Maret 2019 Dilihat 304 kali

FTI Jayabaya Sent 18 Student to Join Summer Program 2019 to Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Malaysia

Summer program 2019 to (UiTM) was designed to 18 students from Faculty of Technology Industry of Jayabaya University, to learn about renewable energy as well as Malaysian culture. They shared their experients bellow:

Independent living

This is our first time to stayed in Malaysia with sharing room with friends and first time did study abroad. Studying abroad in Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia which hold on date 15th – 28th of February 2018  not only improves our knowledge, academic performance, but also enhances our survival skills by learning to be independent people and take a good care of our self. Sharing room with friend can make realized how important we need each other. our daily routine starts with waking up around 6:00AM, get ready and leave our place around 7:30, after that we are waiting at the bus stop to reach UiTM’ s bus, and use 10-15 minutes to arrive in UiTM. As long as study abroad, we lived in condominium Kristal, Seksyen 7, Shah Alam. After arrived at university, we took a breakfast for 15-30 minutes, then after that we starting learning until 17.00 time in place. When learning is finished, we usually doing tasking and looking for some snacks to go outside. our homestay in Kondominium Kristal has good enough facilities, so we can enjoy our time in our room. From Indonesia culture to Malaysia culture is not really different, but still need adaptation specially for taste of food. Public transportation in Malaysia better than Indonesia, but still there grab who can help us. Price to buying something in Malaysia higher than Indonesia, but still relative. We learned to be applicable and adapt our self to the new environment. we felt we have more grown up after spending this program.

Module in Class Session

We are so blessed to having an opportunity to can learn from UiTM lectures, they were so adorable and awesome when they educated us with some module. We spent 7 days with fulltime learned 11 modules from 3 faculties, that are electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and chemical engineering. The modules are Fundamental of Renewable Materials from Dr. Winni Tan, Renewable Energy for Sustainable Environment and Technology for Renewable Energy from Dr. Buyong, Application of Renewable Energy and Introduction to Photovoltaic from Dr.Hedzlin, we did enjoy for every module and learn so much. We are not going to lie to you, it was not disappointed to studying and learning in UiTM. UiTM provided students with great facilities that to develop an innovation from student to be implemented what they got when study in the class. Every lecture directly can make we understand the main of every module with an effective-two way communication between the professors and the student, give some quiz in group to evaluate the module that we got. Most of lectures in UiTM has a background as adoctor and professors degree, and some has Ph.D degree, it makes lectures not only teach us the module but also teach us about life value that related with the module, and give motivation for us as young generation who will continue their path.

Field Trip of Module's Application

On this program, we can visit some place both inside or outside from UiTM to see the implementation of Renewable Energy such as laboratory visit about solar car at UiTM, BTSL Malaysia (bukit tagar sanitary landfill) , Simbiontea ( SIRIM waste food for biogas and bio-fertilizer) at Putrajaya, solar farm at Gading Kencana Malacca. Solar car laboratory is a place for UiTM student to create a car with using solar as a fuel, the car will be used for overseas competition, A solar car has efficiency up to 24%. BTSL is comprehensive landiff gas management system and power generation facilities to producing green energy from the waste. Simbiontea is a complete system utilize anaerobic digestion to convert organic food waste to produce biogas and bio fertilizer. Solar farm is a 17,17 acre solar farm with more 200 PV module to convert solar from sun to electricity.

At solar farm gading kencana, malaka

We also visited others laboratory such as flight technology and test center, aerospace testing, aeronautical wind tunnel, mechatronics laboratory, fluid mechanics, foundry laboratory. That all make us know about implemented Renewable Energy and what product that we can be produced in subject engineering (chemical, electrical and mechanical). Its great oppurtunity to can see directly with our own eyes.

Sightseeing around

Malaysia has many nice and iconic place to visit. we visited some of them. We went to twin tower, KLCC, Wetland Park, Cruise Tasik Putrajaya, I-city Shah alam, Historical city in Malacca. Every place has an icon to reach me to take some picts in there.



Malaysian Friends are seems like Indonesia Friends, they are so humble. They never see what background we are, never see what religion  that we had, never see what color is our skin. They will answer surely when we ask something.


Contributor: Lukman Nulhakim, ST,M.Eng
